
Wee School at the First United Methodist Church in Van Alstyne serves the community by providing a ministry to both the children and the parents. Wee School welcomes children ages two to Pre-K. For children, the goal of the program is to provide an environment consistent with Christian values. We also strive to provide positive life experiences that build a good self image, foster creativity, teach appreciation for the world, and develop an awareness of all persons as children of God. Wee School recognizes the developmental needs of the child and emphasizes emotional, spiritual, and physical growth as a continuous interrelated process. Our desired goal for parents is that they have time for themselves while being assured that their children are safe, loved, well cared for, and are receiving the benefit of new and expanded relationships in a Christian environment.


In order to provide an enriched environment for the children, our curriculum is written to foster curiosity about the world and develop children's emerging academic skills. Teachers plan activities that include: singing, finger plays, movement, art, and stories. Children will be encouraged to learn through free play, which allows them to learn through discovery. It is during free play and careful adult interaction that children develop important social, cognitive, language, and physical skills. Part of their time each week is spent in PE, Music and Movement class and weekly chapel lessons.

Wee School registration for existing students and their siblings will take place between

Jan. 29th and Feb. 2nd of 2024.

We will open up registration for any remaining spots on Feb. 14th.

***Open registration will be done on the school’s Facebook page as a google form.***

~Form will go live at 8:00am on registration day~

Spots that will be available for NEW students: (updated 2/12/24 and subject to change)

Kid's Day Out for 18 to 23 months:


2 year olds:


3 years olds:


4 year olds:

1 spots 3 days (T/W/Th) and 4 spots for 4 days (M-Th)

Placement in classes is based on child's age as of September 1st.

Registration for 2024-2025

Wee School is open Monday-Thursday.

All classes meet from 9a-2:15p.

Wee follow the VAISD calendar and start the Monday after they do and start summer break a week before they do. The ISD hasn't finalized the calendar yet but it looks wee will start around Aug 26th/27th, 2025 depending what days you attend.

See below for program ages and days available.

Tuition and Fees


Registration Fee:  

One Time Fee

Based on the number of days your child attends Wee School per week. It is $60.00 per day they attend.

2 day= $120 3 days= $180.00 4 days=$240.00

This is due with registration paperwork to hold the spot.

Supply Fees: 

One Time Fee

Based on the number of days your child attends Wee School per week. It is $75.00 per day they attend.

      2 days= $150       3days=$225        4 days=$300

This is due by July 15th when you pick up all of the State Licensing registration paperwork.

Tuition Rates (per Month) for 2024-2025:   

  • Kid's Day out (18+ months) : Mon/Wed- $280

  • 2 year old program:  M/W- $260.00   T/TH- $260.00 OR All 4 days $520.00

  • 3 year old program: M/W- $240.00   T/TH- $240.00  (All 4 days $480.00)  3 day a week program (T/W/TH)- $360.00

  • 4 year old program: 3 day a week program (T/W/TH)- $360.00   4 day a week program (M/T/W/TH)- $ 480.00

Kellie Floyd is the WEE School Director.

Visit WEE School on Facebook

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