Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Kids Eat Free
We ensure kids don't go hungry when school is not in session. Anytime school is out, we deliver or handout free lunches to kids who are on the free lunch plan during the school year. Meals are provided on Spring Break, in Summer, and even Christmas break.

FCA Breakfast
Friday mornings during the football and volleyball season at 7am in the gym of the Sanford Activity Center, student athletes meet for a word of encouragement from community leaders. We set up tables and chairs on Thursday evenings. Early on Friday, we help cook and serve the Van Alstyne High School students.

Connection Sunday
Every 5th Sunday, we combine our two worship services. After the service, we as the Church participate in a mission project together. We have made packets of food for people in Honduras. We have made health bags for the homeless in Grayson County. Our church enjoys serving people from all over the world especially in our town. On these Connection Sundays, we have an opportunity to serve together.